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Feature Animation Workshop 7

Professional Development for Animators

This workshop aims to improve your chances of getting hired or getting that promotion. Teaching you how to stand out in a competitive job market. During this 11 week course, you will be stepping into the director's mindset, learn the creative blueprint, and validation process that is expected in creating industry-leading IPs and projects. We will also expand every student's communication skills. Teaching artistic ownership while under the supervision of an Animation Director.

11 week access to:

  • Live & Recorded Classes
  • Extra Lectures by Jason Ryan, CineSite Animation Director.
  • Feature Rigs

Who you learn from Matters

​Become a 3D Character Animator

We will be working on how we can improve our overall believability and appeal by choosing sincere acting choices. By improving how you plan, design, and act out your shots, you will become a stronger artist and with confidence.

This isn't just about your demo reel, rather about you as the whole package. You and your skills set.

Week-by-Week Topic

  • Week 1 - Snippet shots
  • Week 2 - Pushing your blocking to make it stronger
  • Week 3 - Demos and lectures (Keynote & Maya)
  • Week 4 - Taking your shot from blocking to polish
  • Week 5 - Clear & simple ideas in animation
  • Week 6 - Pushing the graphic quality of your poses
  • Week 7 - Becoming the character
  • Week 8 - Cartoony vs Naturalistic
  • Week 9 - Body language study in film
  • Week 10 - Organic motion and fleshy feel
  • Week 11 - Pushing the expression

Workshop Instructor

Next Workshops start September 30, 2024

Price Per Workshop: $1,698

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